Monday, March 29, 2010
Priscilla Of Boston Proves They Are a Bride's First Choice
This past Saturday, even the occasional prickly fashion editor and miscellaneous somber fashionistas were caught gleaming in the warmth of the bright lights at the Priscilla Of Boston Bridal Group Spring 2010 show - surrounded by ethereal music, energized by the hushed witty comments of the photographers, awestruck by the elegant setting of 583 Park Avenue and delighted by the gorgeous gowns. The feature-length runway presentation, complete with a fifteen-minute intermission courtesy of Sofia Mini Champagne, Acqua Panna water and Crumbs cupcakes (yum!) was an absolute delight, showing six different lines for every style of bride and budget out there. But even catering to those who may not be getting married in the next year, some of the shorter dresses and deliciously colorful bridesmaids and rehearsal-dinner ensembles looked ready to walk any glamourous red carpet, or go out for an extra special night on the town.
This season saw the introduction of the new Jewel by Priscilla Of Boston line, an exquisite collection of wedding dresses with crystal details, fitted bodices, bare shoulders and pretty detailing that opened the show. The models looked radiant sporting easy, sexy hair and natural but glowy make-up, which made this line perfect for the woman who sees herself as an "All American Princess Bride".
Next was the turn of Reverie by Melissa Sweet, which in my view caters more to the "It Girl Bride" with some hip touches including hair in high updos, flowers and hair nets, shimmering party make-up and even black satin pumps. Among the stunning gowns, my personal favorite turned out to be an ivory version of a Flamenco dress, complete with flared skirt and beaded lace.
The Vineyard Collection, designer by Mark Brower, started out with the models wearing a dozen bridesmaid-slash-cocktail dresses, walking down the runway to a version of No Doubt's heartbreak anthem Don't Speak. These clothes - in shades of amethyst and lapis - would be perfect for a night out as well as a bride's rehearsal dinner and were complemented well by the models' soft pulled back hair, easy glowing make-up and matte red lips, while little strappy bejeweled sandals completed the looks. Best summed up as the "Glamorous Bride" collection, I found that a few of the looks reminded me of the timeless elegance of Halston.
For the Priscilla Of Boston presentation the girls looked very "Rock & Roll Bride", with teased hair, 1950s eye make up, little sweetheart pouty lips and jeweled hair pieces. But the gowns, of course, were pure glamour, with feather details, Alencon lace and accents of non-traditional but oh-so-right mint and petal pink. A personal favorite remains the Strapless Silk Organza gown with crystal-decorated petals (pictured above).
Melissa Sweet pushed the envelope with their "Fashionista Bride", the kind of woman who would unabashedly wear wooden platforms, extended eye make-up, a side bun and even a net complete with birdie as her coiff to her rehearsal dinner. But once the birdies came off and the beautiful wedding gowns hit the runway, the looks were glowing and polished with petal details, tone on tone pearl accents and even a giant silk taffeta rose sculpted into the skirt of a magnificent gown.
Closing the show, the Platinum collection - aptly titled "Divas" - showed a confident woman, with a twist updo, natural lips and smokey blue eye make-up, wearing alluring, stylish gowns. What I would personally describe as "Heiress Bride" style, some of the looks would be perfect on a true Hollywood diva at Academy Awards time. Another one of the show's personal favorites was among the finale looks - a crystal-embroidered Organza T-shirt worn over a full Silk Taffeta skirt, with a faux ostrich fur topper.
Kudos to the Priscilla Of Boston Bridal Group for going the earth-conscious/animal friendly way, while still making sure that every bride look like a million dollars!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Energy Star proposes changes to lighting program
The proposal indicates the ways in which the various parts of the Energy Star lighting program will be integrated. Integration will include “a specification revision process that is open and transparent, incorporating the input of partners and stakeholders and allowing adequate transition time.” The agencies are also seeking to “remove any overlap or contradiction among specifications so as to eliminate confusion.” There are currently four separate Energy Star performance specifications that address lighting:
- Solid State Lighting specification (SSL v1.1, v1.2 draft)
Limited to luminaires employing SSL technology and addresses residential, commercial and industrial fixture applications. Developed by DOE. As part of the transition, DOE will complete SSL version 1.2, which includes additional outdoor light fixture categories. - Residential Light Fixture specification (RLF v4.2, v4.3 draft)
Addresses light fixtures sold in the residential segment of the lighting industry, using a variety of technologies including SSL. The EPA introduced SSL into its RLF v4.2 in June 2008 (marking the start of the so-called “Energy Star Wars” controversy). - Integral LED Lamps
Focuses on LED replacements for general service lamps, reflector lamps, and decorative lamps. The final version of the criteria was released on December 3, 2009 and will go into effect on August 31, 2010. - Compact Fluorescent Lamp specification (CFL V4.0)
- Residential light fixtures
- Residential (replacement) lamps
- Commercial/industrial light fixtures
The first of these, residential light fixtures, has been the source of most disagreement between advocates of the DOE and EPA approaches (SSL v1.1 and RLF v4.2, respectively).
In the short term, EPA and DOE are proposing to leave the RLF and SSL specifications in place. However, eligibility to qualify LED-based light fixtures under RLF V4.2 will be limited to decorative fixtures, as defined in a document (LSD 51-2009) co-authored by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the American Lighting Association (ALA).
This change clarifies EPA’s existing RLF V4.2 specification, and makes the number of fixtures that could qualify much smaller and more specific than formerly proposed.
For fixtures that are currently covered by the existing SSL specification, the proposal says that “no immediate changes to the performance levels, fixture categories, or test procedures are warranted. The existing test procedure for fixtures, LM-79, provides a strong and well recognized technical basis for evaluating the existing SSL fixture categories and will remain in place.”
For the longer term, EPA will initiate a formal specification revision effort, which among other things will reference a national standard for LED light engine testing (currently at the draft stage).
EPA plans to release a draft specification by mid February 2010, which will be followed by a stakeholder input process involving multiple draft proposals, comment periods and stakeholder meetings before revisions are finalized and effective dates are established.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Africa - The time is now
The Telecommunication industry in Africa has experienced explosive growth over the last decade and is unquestionably amongst the most exciting regions for Telco solution providers right now.
However, communication throughout the continent cannot be solved quickly and will not be driven by one company alone. In order for the Telecom market to rise, competition, and most importantlycollaboration between service providers and operators needs to be addressed and the creation of a stable environment for foreign investment is key.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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Monday, May 11, 2009
重量 - (キーワード:車移動、屋内移動、電車移動)
電源 - (キーワード:移動先使用、車移動、移動中使用)
データ - (キーワード:やりとり、変換、一元化)
や むを得ず2台のマシンを使い分けるならともかく、無理して2台のマシンを使う必要はないと思います。理由は、データの管理が大変になるからです。一元管理 はやはりラク。パソコンは、1人1台がベストで、1人2台になると、かえって使いにくくなると思います。2台にする余裕があるなら、同じ機種にして、非常 時のバックアップとして考えたほうがいいでしょう。
手書き認識やコンパクトなキーボードの技術がず いぶん進んでいます。しかし、紙の手帳やメモの機動性、瞬発力にはかないません。そもそもメモは、すぐに捨ててしまうような類のデータですから、デジタル データに変換する必要がありません。これまで捨てていた情報を、何かに活かしていこうというような積極的理由でもない限り、メモを手書き認識させるなどと いう労力は、意味がありません。
ノート - 3kg前後
サブノート - 2kg前後
ミニノート - 1kg前後
ポケット - 500g前後
これまで、NEC のPC-9801NSL、Let's NOTE mini、NEC のPC-9821Ltなどのサブノートパソコン、オアシスポケット3(ポケット)と使ってきました。それぞれ、いいところも悪いところもありましたが、現在はモバイル機器を使っていません。
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
ベガスピアも沢山の皆様に支えられ業界屈指の娯楽の殿堂サイトとして、ご支援を戴きありがとうございます。これまで設備不備によりご不便をお掛けいたしま したが、1年余り開発を要し本格的な改善に努めてまいりました。おかげをもちまして2月第二週目より新ベガスピアとして第二章の殿堂サイトがオープンいた しましたのでお知らせいたします。サービス機能や内容も順次拡充してパワーアップして殿堂にふさわしい超越したサービスに徹して勤めてまいります。例えばアゲサゲランキングの改善やコメント機能も網羅されております。繁忙時間帯も可能な限り回線やサーバーの拡充により緩和させてまいります。
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Opera Softwareは12日 (ノルウェー時間)、ブラウジング速度を向上させるオンラインサービス「Opera Turbo」を発表した。16日からスペイン・バルセロナで開催される見本市「Mobile World Congress」において、デモが実施される予定。
Opera Turboは、Operaブラウザなど対応クライアントとインターネットの間に設置され一種の代理サーバとして機能する、サーバサイドの最適化技術。サ ポートされるクライアントはOpera DesktopとOpera Mobile、Opera Devices SDKの3種。Opera Turboのデータ処理により、それらクライアントに転送されるデータは最高で80%減少、リソースが限られているデバイス上においてもダウンロード速度 やパフォーマンスの向上が見込めるという。AjaxやFlashといった動的なWeb技術も、完全にサポートされるとのこと。